Big Schools Bird Watch

Image of Big Schools Bird Watch

Our students have been taking part in the RSPB's Bird Watch, collecting data on the different types of Birds living in the local area. We will upload the data onto the RSPB's website which contributes to the Big Bird Watch UK census. 

Category: Eco Blog

ECO Sixth Form Learning outside the classroom


Buying supplies from the Range for our volunteering work.

Image of Buying supplies from the Range for our volunteering work.

5M and 5I have visited the Range shopping centre to collect supplies for enterprise and volunteering activities.  We practiced looking for items we needed and asking the shop assistants for help. 

Well done 


Category: Sixth Form

ECO Sixth Form Learning outside the classroom preparationforlife


Christmas tree building

Image of Christmas tree building

This morning during maths, Aaron had independently put the Christmas tree together. He has had to consider the order of the branches, different sizes, symmetry and space in order to put the tree together. Aaron has shown resilience and determination, well done! 

Category: Sixth Form 2024-2025

KS5 Sixth Form


Myerscough group

Image of Myerscough group

Students have been handling the Bearded dragon and the Geko today at Myerscough. They have worked in groups to bath both reptiles in preparation for them shedding their skin. 
Students also cleaned out the Gerbil cages and make the rodents some enrichment of their enclosures. 
well done…

Category: Sixth Form

ECO Sixth Form Life skills College Links Preparation For Life Learning outside the classroom


Myerscough College

Image of Myerscough College

As part of the students external college placements, we will be visiting Myerscough College on a Tuesday. 

Today students have had a health and safety talk and groomed the Guinea Pigs. We have talked about the health benefits of keeping the Guinea Pigs well groomed and how to look out for…

Category: Sixth Form

ECO Sixth Form College Links Learning outside the classroom Myerscough College


Hygiene Stop Shop

Image of Hygiene Stop Shop

5J have set up their free Hygiene Shop for our students at lunch. All the products have been donated through our local community groups and businesses. Students are excited to be running the stop shop over lunch. 
Well done 5J

Category: Sixth Form

ECO Sixth Form Community Links



Image of Photography

In photography we looked at depth of field. This is the distance between two objects and where the focus will be on. This allowed us to create some interesting photos using toys and action figures.

We used the different functions on the camera to make the correct settings to allow different…

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

KS5 Sixth Form Photography


Madame Tussauds Careers Event.

Image of Madame Tussauds Careers Event.

We were very lucky to have been invited to Madame Tussaud’s in Blackpool to learn about the job of wax modelling and jobs within the tourism industry.

We were able to ask lots of questions and were shown the studio where they model the waxworks and add the paint and hair etc.

We also learnt…

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

KS5 Sixth Form Creative Arts Careers Community Links


Music at Blackpool the and Fylde College

Image of Music at Blackpool the and Fylde College

In our music lessons at college today we learnt about the beat, rhythm and groove of the music.
We then made a PowerPoint with different job roles and information on them, we then finished working on our music tracks on Logic Pro.


Well done KS5

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

Blackpool and The Fylde College Sixth Form College Links music


5J Photography

Image of 5J Photography

In photography this week we started to look at the different aspects of photography.

We looked at “The Triangle of Exposure” this is the settings we need to look at to take good photos

the 3 points of the exposure triangle are.

ISO, shutter speed and aperture.


We then practiced…

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

Sixth Form Photography


Home cooking

Image of Home cooking

In our home cooking session this week we made lemon and blueberry muffins.

We all learnt how to carefully zest the lemons using a grater, we then mixed this with the other ingredients into a batter which we carefully placed into muffin cases.


We also checked what temperature the oven…

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

Food Sixth Form Cooking


Harvest Contributions

Image of Harvest Contributions

It that time of year where we are asking for donations for Harvest.  Luca in 5I has already made a contribution which will go to a worthwhile local charity.  Please feel free to send in:

Tins, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant and other non-perishable items. 

Category: Sixth Form 2023-2024

Sixth Form