BTEC cooking practice
We’ve made 3 different recipes simultaneously today, tomato & red pepper soup, tomato pasta & chocolate chip cookies. A very busy but very successful cooking lesson.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Louise has been putting the finishing touches on her Tim Burton inspired portrait. Her creativity on this piece has blown us all away! Well done.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
4M identifying smells
4M really enjoyed their science lesson identifying smells.
They worked out most smells ranging from vinegar, coffee, chocolate to car air fresheners.
well done on challenging yourselves, as some of you was very sensitive to certain smells.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Soup making
It was Rory’s turn to show off his cooking skills this week. He made a spectacular Broccoli & Stilton soup which tasted amazing.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
We are working on art inspired by Tim Burton. Here’s a sneaky peak at Samuel’s self portrait.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
4M girls requested a hula hooping competition to be put on the board at the Oracle. Bethany currently holds the top spot at 3 minutes 26 seconds!
Category: 4M 2024-2025
BTEC cooking
Today’s cooking masterpiece was Toad in the hole, as requested by Chloey. With the help of her class friends she was able to follow the recipe card & complete her meal almost independently. Well done.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Blackpool career fair
4M made the most of attending Blackpools career fair experience by exploring the different career opportunities on offer, asking thoughtful questions, and showing a real interest in learning about their potential future. They all approached new opportunities with enthusiasm and…
Category: 4M 2024-2025
KS4 Preparation For Life Careers
BTEC cooking
As part of our BTEC qualification, we’ve started cooking some of the meals we’ll be preparing independently to gain Level 1 status. 4M love trying out new recipes and trying new foods, bonus points if they’re tasty and healthy.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Careers day
All 4M students will be coming home with an important letter about a local careers event tonight.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
Tim Burton Art
We have draw portraits in the style of Tim Burton as part of our Entry level qualification. We’ve used skills such as blending, toning & sketching.
Category: 4M 2024-2025
PCA career event
It was fabulous to see so many parents/carers & students at PCA career event tonight.
These events are held annually to help students decide what further education will be for them.
Category: 4M 2024-2025