Rythmn and Blues
As part of our music lessons we have been focusing on the genre jazz. Today we have used the glockenspiel to interpret the chosen music piece. We were exceptionally good at recognising the correct notes and following the phase of the beat. Well done 3H.
Category: 3H 2023-2024
Fine Motor Skills
This afternoon 3H are enjoying using their fine motor skills to create animals using play dough
Category: 3H 2023-2024
Scratch Stories and Bee-bots!
In our Computing lesson we have been focusing on simple Computer programming. One of our groups used their knowledge of simple instructions/directions to programme their Bee-bots to travel from one side of the classroom to another, avoiding various obstacles n their path! Our second group worked…
Category: 3H 2023-2024
Achiever of the Week
3H achiever of the week is Callum for working independently in computing!
Category: 3H 2023-2024
3H have been learning about ‘The Creation Story’ in R.E, today they have sequenced the story independently.
Category: 3H 2023-2024
Today 3H took part in a carousel of maths activities, to promote working independently and reinforce our learning.
Category: 3H 2023-2024
Summer Show KS2 Show
Looking absolutely fabulous girls for our next dress rehearsal this afternoon- this time in front of KS2! You got this 3H!
Category: 3H 2023-2024
Summer Production Rehearsal
3H preparations for this year’s Summer Production went up another level today with a first dress rehearsal on stage in hall. Congratulations to everyone who contributed - you’ll be brilliant! Only two more days to go!
Category: 3H 2023-2024
Achiever of the Week
Well done Hollie! Your have made Achiever of the Week again- this time for being really positive and enthusiastic during the Eco trip on Thursday! Excellent work!
Category: 3H 2023-2024
Achiever of the Week
3H Achiever of the Week for all your continued hard work and consistent effort in lessons is Tegan! Keep it up!
Category: 3H 2023-2024
Well done Will - Achiever of the Week again for your extremely positive contributions to lessons all week! Keep it up!
Category: 3H 2023-2024
Tramshed show
Abi was very proud when she came into school this morning and asked that we promote her performance in a forthcoming Tramshed production. Well done Abi and old luck! Details attached for anyone interested in attending.
Category: 3H 2023-2024